oswald tschirtner.! it's all about balance

13.02.2020 – 10.01.2021
Oswald Tschirtner, 2 Eyes, 1971, Collection de l'Art Brut
Oswald Tschirtner, 2 Eyes, 1971, Collection de l'Art Brut © Werk/Foto: Privatstiftung – Künstler aus Gugging

One of the museum’s biggest solo shows was dedicated to Oswald Tschirtner. Gugging Artist Oswald Tschirtner (1920–2007) represented extremes, for, in his work, a maximum of expression contrasted with a minimum of form and color.  The core of Tschirtner’s work was his abstract representations of humans—those unmistakable “Headfooters”, which confront the observer without any recognizable gender characteristics or clothing. Tschirtner was capable of creating touching works with a mere few lines and the occasional use of colors. Fragility and poetry signify this artist’s graphic creation. Oswald Tschirtner counts among the best-known and must successful Gugging Artists. He would have celebrated his 100th birthday in 2020: this was the perfect occasion for museum gugging to dedicate a comprehensive show to this great tranquil artist. 

A major monograph was dedicated to the artist: oswald tschirtner.! it’s all about balance. A major work, which does justice to the artist’s significance.

Curator: Johann Feilacher

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